Tuesday 8 December 2009

Corporate Information Security Comes Under Attack From Organised Crime as Risks and Vulnerabilities Continue to Grow

- BBG IT Focus Group Meeting Debates Role of Information Security

More than ever, information is regarded by business and corporations as a highly valuable, tangible asset. Unfortunately, this value is also recognised by sophisticated groups able to mount attacks at any time and from anywhere, making organisations even more reliant on their information security team for effective defence.

Until recently, the threats to corporate information security came from individual hackers acting alone and largely for the peer prestige they earned but this threat has now evolved into the domain of more effective, well organised criminal groups who even fund their own research, with the aim of financial gain.

This was the stark message delivered to members of the British Business Group (Dubai & Northern Emirates) IT Focus Group, at a recent meeting which attracted senior IT practitioners from across the BBG membership.

When it comes to data breaches, recent research (Source: Verizon Business, Data Breach Report 2008) presented at the meeting showed that 66 per cent of victims did not even know the data was stored on the system involved; 73 per cent of victims did not discover the breach themselves; and 87 per cent of breaches were considered 'avoidable' through reasonable controls.

"The advantage clearly lies with the attackers who only have to find a single vulnerable spot, as security defenders try to identify and then plug every possible hole," said Dimitrios Petropoulos, Managing Director of Dubai-based Encode Middle East, who presented and discussed the issues with the group of IT professionals from the BBG.

"The Information security industry is responding to try to safeguard access to data," he added, "but it is a fast changing world and even compliance with current standards does not ensure protection or make you more secure. The past does not allow us to predict the future in information security and just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it won't happen in the future."

The meeting discussed the potential for conflict between the needs of business and the need for security, and exchanged ideas on how information security should be managed, and by whom.

"Information security is about risk management and is not an IT issue. This means that there is an increasingly compelling argument for the security department being independent from and based outside the IT organisation - it should be a business enabler, be treated as a profit centre and be invisible to the end user," said Petropoulos.

Alec Letzer, Head of IT Security, Lloyds TSB Middle East had another view: "Our improvement in Dubai over the last 12 months has been dramatic. This has come about by evaluating and upgrading existing security processes and procedures with a soft but hands-on approach to reinforcing the need for security awareness and good practice at every level of the organisation," he said. "We have worked with all teams to ensure that security is embedded as a personal responsibility for which everybody is accountable. In fact, this approach has led to Lloyds TSB Middle East becoming an information security model for other parts of Lloyds Banking Group."

The BBG IT Focus Group is a newly formed (July 2009) group of IT professionals from BBG member organisations and beyond, chaired by Duncan Adamson, Managing Director of Intergence Systems Middle East, who commented: "This new IT Focus Group is successfully bringing together a mix of IT and non-IT professionals from across an interesting range of industries within the BBG membership, including legal, telecoms, software, recruitment and financial services."

Issued on behalf of Intergence Systems by WPR.

Notes to the Editor:

Intergence Systems is a leading independent IT Optimisation Consultancy, headquartered in Cambridge, UK, and with regional offices in the Middle East and the Americas. The company was established in 2003 in response to clients' growing requirements for high level impartial expertise in networks and IT.

British Business Group, Dubai and the Northern Emirates

The BBG was set up in 1987 to encourage the development of British business in the UAE and undertakes a wide range of activities from communicating with decision makers and testing British goods to sharing best business practice. The group holds around 80 networking events, forums and seminars each year, attracting high profile and influential business leaders and speakers from around the world.



Stop! It's Business Time for Cash4Gold-IE and MC Hammer

- Cash4Gold has Made MC Hammer, Three-Time Grammy Award-Winner, a Partner and Announces Drum 'n' Bass Legend Goldie Will Star in UK TV Adverts

Cash4Gold (http://www.Cash4Gold.com), the world's #1 gold buyer direct from consumers, has announced that MC Hammer has a financial interest in the business and will feature alongside Goldie in its next UK TV advert. The company, which has used technology to transform the practice of buying and selling gold, has serviced more than 900,000 satisfied customers in the UK, U.S., Canada, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands.

Three-time Grammy Award Winner MC Hammer is a social media expert and has lectured on the subject at prestigious universities as Harvard and Stanford. He has more than 1.5 million followers on Twitter (http://twitter.com/MCHammer) and has been advising Cash4Gold on ways to expand the business by employing social media technologies to reach customers.

Earlier this year MC Hammer featured in the company's highly acclaimed Super Bowl advert in the United States, following which Cash4Gold launched a national competition to find a UK celebrity to appear in its British TV commercials. The British public, through suggestions submitted via the website http://uk.cash4gold.com voted Goldie as its favourite UK celebrity to feature in an upcoming Cash4Gold advert during a competition. The lucky contest winner will join Goldie, Hammer and Aronson for tea tomorrow (12pm) at Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's. Members of the media are welcome to come by to conduct interviews and photograph the event.

Goldie is a well-known personality who will bring a smile to the faces of the British public. His musical abilities were recently showcased in a different light on the BBC television programme Classic Goldie, on which he learnt to write a score for The Proms. He has also has appeared in several films, most notably the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough and Guy Ritchie's Snatch.

"We are delighted that the iconic MC Hammer has joined Cash4Gold as a partner" said Cash4Gold CEO Jeff Aronson. "As a company we have worked closely with Hammer on projects ranging from the Super Bowl ad to numerous charitable events with Feed The Children. In fact, on Wednesday we will be visiting a primary school in Sheffield to partner with the organisation and serve breakfast to children. It is a thrill to welcome Goldie onto the team and I think the British public will really enjoy seeing him in our UK adverts -his name, talents, broad appeal and famous gold teeth make him the perfect fit for Cash4Gold."

"Cash4Gold is a growing business and I'm excited to have been so closely involved," said MC Hammer. "We've had a great working relationship in the United States. It's going to be really fun bringing our brand and services to the people of the UK along with Goldie. We're going to let everyone know that it's time to take that broken or unwanted gold and get it sold. We're melting gold, baby!"

"It is an honour to have been voted by the British public as their favourite UK celebrity to feature in the ad," said Goldie. "I'm looking forward to a strong and close relationship with Cash4Gold. While Cash4Gold has already launched in the UK, I won't be sending in my gold teeth just yet as I'm sure that they will be part of my appeal for the ad".

Cash4Gold launched in the UK back in July and the company plans to continue its international expansion into six additional countries during 2010. U.K. residents who would like to sell their unwanted jewellery can visit http://www.Cash4Gold.com or call +44(0)800-064-GOLD(4653).

About Cash4Gold

Now open for business in the U.K., Cash4Gold is already well-established as the world's No. 1 buyer of precious metals, including gold, silver and platinum, from the general public. Cash4Gold has served over 900,000 customers since its inception, paying out millions of pounds for their broken or unwanted items. From its new base of operations in Sheffield, a city with a rich history in metal-working, Cash4Gold is effectively providing its fast, secure, convenient, discreet and 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed services to customers all across the United Kingdom. Visit Cash4Gold's website at http://www.cash4gold.com or call +44(0)800-064-GOLD(4653).

Thursday 12 March 2009

Projects and Operations

Introduction Projects and Operations are quite distinct sets of activities that, when mixed, can cause unnecessary havoc with the management of each. They have different resourcing requirements, require different management styles and have different objectives. Projects are time-constrained and initiate change. Operations are ongoing and suffer change, sometimes unwillingly...

This short paper is a brief overview of the definitions, descriptions and characteristics of each set of activities. And concludes with some recommendations for avoiding the worst of "projerations"...


Projects Most project management approaches define a project using terms such as: * a series of interrelated activities, * with a specific goal or end result, and * having specific start and finish dates.

Operations So we can broadly say that anything else is operations; upkeep activities or incremental improvement. Three key indicators that show when a set of activities is not a project (ie. is operations) are: * if there is no commitment to move ahead, or * if the set of activities doesn't have an end date, or * if the set of activities does not have a measurable goal.


Operations Operations can be described in terms of business functions or activities and business processes. Business functions are those groups of competence that are needed for the healthy functioning of the organisation. They can be decomposed into business activities that are usually, but not always, encapsulated by an organisational unit. For example, human resource management, the activity, is partly encapsulated by the Human Resources Department.

Business processes, on the other hand, describe how the organisation adds value. They are triggered from outside the organisation and finish with the organisation delivering something of value.

The two most common diagrams for these views are the org-chart and process maps.

Projects Projects are described by their scope, the requirements they are expected to meet and the resources required to meet them. They have a deadline, milestones, stakeholders, steering groups, a budget, and change and communication plans.

They are initiated, planned, executed and completed. They add value for the stakeholders, who may or may not be outside the organisation.

The most common diagrams to help describe projects are: a GANTT chart for resource allocation, and PERT chart for critical path analysis.

Characteristics of Projects and Operations Activities grouped to form Projects or Operations are easily identifiable as each has its own set of characteristics. Generally speaking they are mutually exclusive though this is not always the case. The table below outlines these in a comparative manner so that, in the first instance, the distinction can be made.

Operations * Repetitive * Continuous * Deals with the Present * Evolutionary change * Equilibrium * Suffer change * Pre-defined objectives * Stable resources * Stability * Efficiency * Roles * Security and Predictability

Projects * Unique * Finite * Deals with the Future * Revolutionary change * Disequilibrium * Initiate change * Objective to be defined * Transient resources * Flexibility * Effectiveness * Goals * Risk and Uncertainty

From the lists above, if a project is not actively seeking to initiate change in operations, then it is, in effect, a set of operational activities; improving the situation incrementally.

Operational activities do not, in general, cause disequilibrium. It is the operational activities that are destabilised. By the project. Not the other way round. Though there are plenty of examples of operations destabilising projects... But this is a resistance to change rather than the initiation of change.

There is, however, a link between the two. And successful projects need to have this made explicit. To take the example of change. Projects are change efforts. But managing change is part of an operational manager's responsibility. Projects identify the change required to move operations into the future. Operational managers then manage the introduction of those changes into their domains so that the new operational practices are different from those before the project.


Problems with mixing Projects and Operations: If a project begins to have characteristics that resemble those of operations, it is probably a good idea to bring it to an end. And ensure the handover in a timely and professional manner.

Equally, if a project has within its plan elements that involve operations, it is probably better to take them out. Otherwise there is a risk that operational management falls to the project manager.

So we need to be wary of "projects" that are: * Uniquely repetitive, * Continuously finite, * Projecting the present into the future, * Evolutionary rather than revolutionary, * Are stable, efficient and role based, and * Secure.

None of these bear the characteristics of a project. Rather they are a mixture of both. They become "projerations", and are generally unsatisfying for everyone working on them.

Overcoming the Mixing: One way to overcome the mixing of projects and operations is to ensure that operational activities are properly resourced. The absence of correct operational resourcing often leads to projects being "loaded-up" with operational tasks such as report generation, cube building, process mapping, etc.

The people working on the projects know this and react, causing tension with their operational activities.

The solution? Ensure that operational activities are correctly resourced. And don't, as far as possible, move unresourced operational activities into projects.

Business card printing

Most of the business men whether on a big or small scale of operations want to have a handy business card of their own. A business card that can capture the very essence of the business operations and advertisements at the same time. For they consider business printing cards as the best means to spread the words of its business ventures and able to build a greater clients.

How You Can Learn to be a Better Banking Manager

How You Can Learn to be a Better Banking Manager When you first take over a department, expectations are usually high but operations are sometimes in disarray. The staff is disorganized, goals aren't being met, and hours are spent on unproductive tasks. Just when you think the company would never get on track, the CFO recommends that you learn more about something called operations assessment.

Crucial Banking Management Skills Help Avoid Mistakes At first, you aren't sure how operational assessment skills would help you manage better, but you quickly see that the training makes all the difference. You learn that planning without assessment can be as ineffective as not planning at all. You also learn that goal-oriented checklists, frequent follow-ups, and asking the right questions at the right times can eliminate costly mistakes.

With Operations Assessment Training, You Will Be Able To:

'Articulate the advantages of an operations assessment in the maintenance and improvement of your management systems.

'Explain the Model of a Process-based Quality Management System, and the purpose and structure of ISO 9001.

'Plan and execute an operations assessment.

'Gather objective evidence through observation, interview and sampling of documents and records.

'Write factual assessment reports that drive improvements in your management system.

'Develop methods to verify the effectiveness of corrective actions.

Acquire Skills for Continuous Improvement You can use the methodologies covered by the highly-respected ISO 9000 Quality Standard and its Internal Auditing Methods for continuous process improvement. You can also acquire the skills to conduct systematic business process assessments that drive improved planning, task management, results reporting and remedial solutions.

Simple Lessons, Huge results Now, your company's productivity has improved by leaps and bounds. Simple audits before and after handing out assignments ensure that your efforts match your objectives without being redundant.

What Operations Assessment Training Could Do For Your Business

Operations banking jobs for you

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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
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2009-02-05 · Reply
wFinance: Senior Manager Internal Audit, Operations Risk, Internal controls at A well known MNC into finance and banking p.. http://tinyurl.com/c6djt5
2009-02-05 · Reply

Industry Consulting Versus Banking Operations Consulting

What Is Operations Consulting?

As its name suggests, operations consulting mainly focuses on the business itself. It hopes to establish better policies, effective brand for the enterprise, and clearer objectives and goals. A consultant is tasked to help the organization, particularly the board of directors and direct owners, in coming up with company objectives that will then be incorporated to their overall mission and vision. Other possible roles that an operations consulting professional may play include the following:

1. Makes sure that the equipment used matches the processes involved in the business. Not only will this be cost-effective, but it will also allow the business to take full advantage of their resources. It's how they will be able to recover their investments well and even obtain a higher return. Moreover, this is to double-check that there are no unnecessary or redundant processes that form part of the entire business system. You want to make sure that the organization will be very productive.

2. Double-checks the tools, products, and even materials used. A business will never run smoothly if there are no standards that are being set. Similar to the first one, it is the job of the operations consultant to confirm that the materials and tools utilized to create a product is based on these set criteria. For example, if the business advocates production of high-quality products with the use of indigenous materials, the operations consultant should see to it that the components are all environment friendly.

3. Discusses and recommends possible solutions. Most of all, the operations consulting professional is encouraged to offer feedback and methods of improvement that the company can apply. Of course, everything shall be based on careful study and research done by the operations consultant on the business.

What Is Industry Consulting?

Another kind of consultation services that can be offered to businesses is industry consulting. The concept is very similar to operations consulting, in that you want the enterprise to meet the standards of the industry, though this will definitely have a much larger scope. After all, there are a lot of key players in your chosen field.

Usually, a small-based business would prefer hiring an operations consulting professional than and industrial consultant, not only because the latter has higher fees but because they want to fix their system first before they can finally focus on being more competitive in the market. Nevertheless, as your business grows and becomes more well-known, you might as well employ the help of an industry consulting professional to ensure that you will have all the proper means to compete in this dog-eat-dog world.

The main role of an industrial consultant is to make sure that the business is functioning within the rules of the industry. It may have something to do with legal and political requirements, as well as ethics.
Banking Operations.